The AD Police





K11 Jager

Pat Roader

ADP Motoroid

D Zero

Frontline Trooper Weaponry


Back to BGC Central

Hi everybody! Nene here to tell you a little bit about the wonderful world of the AD Police. Now when you're watching the AD Police in action, you could be forgiven for thinking that compared to the Knight Sabers, the poor old police had very little chance against the kind of threats that I could take in my stride (with a bit of help from Sylia, Linna and Priss every so often). Only Leon-poo and Daley ever stood a chance against some of the more impressive threats that cropped up in 2032 and Tokyo 2040.

I'd beg to differ ^_^

The biggest problem for the AD Police isn't the fact they lack the ability to do their job, it's just that they have so many opponents who deliberately obstruct them in their duties. The variety of K-Suits that the ADP can lay their hands on can go toe to toe with many of Genom's Boomers and stand a good chance of winning, but will the players be able to persuade their Section Chief to let them deploy a K-Suit, let alone a whole force of them? I'd never pilot a K-Suit, they don't show of my figure like my Hardsuit does, and blue just isn't my colour anyway!

The AD Police are basically a very elite, highly equipped military force that suffers very much from poor generalship. Anti-Tank weapons are part of the ADP's arsenal, as are all the latest gadgets, of which most are not so far away from Knight Saber technology levels. If you watch the original series, you will find that despite all the obstacles placed in their way, the ADP do score some notable successes.

Players wanting to be part of the ADP will be placed in a frontline combat team with a group of other players, of which one will be a senior officer who commands the squad when they are in combat. Every ADP Officer has all the investigative skills of their counterparts at the N-Police, and they can call upon a vast array of sources of information. Even when they are obstructed, the ADP can come away with the fact that someone has something to hide!

Join the AD Police, it's probably not as bad as you thought it was going to be ^_^