Posting Rules

Posting Rules

Game Rules

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Posting Rules

All posts should be formatted in the same way, so that everybody knows exactly what each character or NPC is doing at any one given time.

Descriptive Text

Everything that doesn't fall under one of the other classifications counts as being a general discriptive piece. You are telling everyone else what your character is doing, be it walking across a room, or fighting a Boomer.

Example: Nene targetted the Boomer's head and let loose a volley of laser fire at it, hoping to shoot out the targetting mechanisms housed in it's eyes.


When your character is thinking, you should place the relevant piece of text in ITALICS to signify that your character is thinking to themself. Use [i] and [/i] for Italics

Example: As her lasers pinged ineffectively off the Boomer's armoured hide, Nene thought I'm going to get totally clobbered here!

Quoting another character

If you want to repeat what someone else said so everybody knows which statement you're replying to, then simply take the relevant piece and make it BOLD. Use [b] and [/b] for bold.

Example: Nene targetted the Boomer's head and let loose a volley of laser fire at it, hoping to shoot out the targetting mechanisms housed in it's eyes.

Seeing that Nene was probably going to screw things up again, Priss decided to lend her ineffective teammate a hand.


Simply use either " or ' when your character is speaking.

Post Frequency

As GM, I will try to post twice a week, normally every Friday/Saturday and every Tuesday/Wednesday, so you'll have one weekend post and a midweek post. All you need to do is make sure you post in between my posts and you'll be fine. In combat situations, you will need to post regularly and tell me your actions. The number of actions your character can take will be written on your character sheet.

If you can't post, then just say and I'll keep your character from dying messily ^_^ If however you miss posts, then you get 3 chances, and at the third time of asking your character either dies or becomes an NPC and you drop out of the game. You can make as many posts as you want however, especially when you're out of combat and talking to other NPCs or characters, in which case you can say as much or as little as you like, provided you at least give me some sign you're alive and still playing ^_^