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Briony Arabanel

REAL NAME: Mike Brown
Character Name: Briony Abrabanel
Character Age: 22
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Jerusalem
Religion: Christian (Protestant Nonconformist)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 89 lbs
Handedness: Right

Distinguishing Features: Likes to wear red. Prefers glasses to contact

Family: an Aunt, who has retired and left the area. Briony's parents and

older brother died in a house fire when she was very young.

Occupation: Bartender at O'Leary's Bar and Grill
Rank: ~

Character Interests: Retrothrash, clothes

Hobbies: Jun Fan Kung Fu

Best Friend: Kali Sung, a signer whose band often sings at O'Leary's. Kali
has been trying to talk Briony into joing the band but Briony is too shy.

Worst Enemy: None that she is aware of.

Turn Ons: Kareoke

Turn Offs: Contact lenses

Worst Secret: The house fire that killed Briony's family was no accident and
the 'aunt' who rescued her was her father's assistant, who later told her
that her family were killed to remove her father's oppositon to a
technically illegal EuropaCorp land grab. Whether or not this is entirely
true (or even a complete fabrication) Briony does not know.

Character Goals:
Two year Goal - earn a master's qualification in Jun Fan Kung Fu
Five year Goal - find out what really happened to her family.

Character Background:
Briony Abrabanel was born in Jerusalem, Israel to a moderately well off
family. Her father was a government offical and her mother was a business
woman. When she was three, a fire broke out in the house and she only
survived because her aunt, who was staying with the family, carried her out
of the house before it collapsed.
Briony was raised by her aunt and grew up in Neo-Brussels. Although her
family were Jewish, she chose to practise another religion and has strong
christian beliefs. She has been practising Jun Fan Kung Fu for most of her
life and likes to sing although she is usually too shy to do so in public.
When she was eighteen she applied for the AD Police and obtained some
training to pilot power suits on the side, however, she wasn't tall enough
for a frontline position and decided not to join in a support role. Instead
she found a job behind the bar at O'Leary's Bar & Grill and started to look
for other ways to pursue her interest in curbing EuropaCorp.

===============RPG STATS===============

Intelligence: 52
Dexterity: 89
Toughness: 59
Technology: 48
Personality: 76
Willpower: 60
Speed: 69
Mech Op: 62

Health Levels: 48
Unarmed Damage: 5
Unarmed Penetration: 48%
Natural Armour: 48%
Actions Per Round: 4

Skills: 39
Business (Small) 57%
Education (Instruction) 62%
Bike (Bicycle) 99%
Martial Arts (Jun Fan Kung Fu) 109% (Will only apply if you get negative penalties)
Endurance 74%
Basic Tech 53%
First Aid 53%
Wardrobe & Style 91%
Streetwise 70%
Awareness 75%
Music (Guitar) 91% (101%)
Maths (Mental Arithmetic) 57% (67%)
Mech Combat (Martial Arts) 67% (77%)
Mech Gunnery 67%
Powered Armour Operation 57%
Dodge 104% (Will only apply if you get negative penalties)

Attributes: 11
Perfect Voice S
Physically Attractive S
Rapid Healing S
Resilient S
Highly Trained (Jun Fan Kung Fu) S
Status S
Reputation S
Wealth S
Contact S
Contact S
Photographic Memory S
Power Up E

Reduced Sight S
Guy Magnet S
Enemies S