Yuriko Jakara

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Yuriko Jakara

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Yuriko Jakara

REAL NAME: Chris Swaffer
E-MAIL: rallyiv@hotmail.com

Character Name: Yuriko Jakara
Character Age: 29
Gender: Female
Birthplace: MegaKyoto, Japan
Religion: Shinto
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6ft
Weight: 55kg
Handedness: Right

Distinguishing Features/Description:

Aged in her late 20s, with long black hair and green eyes. Very tall and slender, with angular features that make her appear overly serious and bookish, traits that the glasses she wears most of the time accentuate. Dresses smartly for all occasions, and even looks well-dressed when wearing her long white labcoat at work in the ADPolice R&D department. Usually wears her long hair loose, flowing down to the small of her back, although when piloting her hardsuit or performing delicate work in the lab she prefers to tie it back into a tight bun.

A perfectionist with an eye for the fine detail, she doesn't accept sloppy work from herself or others. Her insistance that everything be just so can be an annoyance to her fellow workers at times, but she applies her high standards equally to herself. She can come across to strangers as somewhat cold and distant, but this is only because she focusses tightly on her job and allows little else to distract her. Her workmates within the ADP know her to be supportive and warm, but very few people count themselves as her friends. To her Knight Saber comrades she is also something of an outsider, but her information-gathering skills, combined with her technical aptitude, make her a valuable member of the team.

Family: Father and Mother (both still live in MegaKyoto)

Occupation: Research Scientist / Knight Saber
Rank: ?????? GM Choice ??????

Character Interests: Science and Technology, Theatre, Cats.

Hobbies: Going to Theatre, Collecting Ornamental Cats, Being a Knightsaber.

Best Friend: Ermintrude (her Cat).

Worst Enemy: The dog from number 49.

Turn Ons: Cat People, sense of humour, romantics.

Turn Offs: Dog people, body piercings, bigots.

Worst Secret: Reads slushy romance novels and enjoys them....

Character Goals:
Two year Goal - Avoid getting killed. Find a man.
Five year Goal - Get married, have children, give up Knight-Sabering.

Character Background: Born and raised in MegaKyoto, Yuriko attended MegaKyoto University (MKU) where she studied for an Applied Physics and Technology degree, which she passed with honours. At the age of 22 she joined the AD Police technical research department, and was transferred to the New York division a few years later.

Was approached to join the Knights Erretent via an e-mail sent from a mystery source (later turned out to be Nene). After corresponding for some time Yuriko was invited to meet with her mystery contact, and this meeting led directly to her provisional entry into the team, both as a fighting member and also being in charge of maintaining and repairing the Hardsuits.

===============RPG STATS===============


Health Levels:
Unarmed Damage:
Unarmed Penetration:
Natural Armour:
Actions Per Round:


Int: Boomer Knowledge (2)
Electronic Warfare (2)
Evade (2)
Hacking (1)
Investigate (1)
Maths (2)
Powered Armour Operation (2)
Programming (1)
Science (3)

Dex: Dodge (2)
Drive (1)
Gun (2)
Melee (1)
Melee Parry (1)

Tuf: Swimming (1)

Tek: Basic Tech (2)
Computer Tech (1)
Electronics Tech (1)
Juryrig (3)
Mech Tech (2)
Security (1)
Weapons Tech (3)

Mek: Mech Combat (1)
Mech Control (1)
Mech Gunnery (1)
Mech Pilot (1)
Mech Systems (1)

Per: Interaction (1)
Leadership (1)
Perform (1)

Wil: Awareness (1)
Perception (2)
Resist Mental (1)

49CPs spent, 0CPs gained.


Perks: Animal Empathy 1S
Clinical 1S
Hyper Intelligent 2M
Membership (ADP) 1S
Quick Learner 2M

7CPs spent, 0CPs gained

Flaws: Fragile 1S
Reduced Sight 1S
Phobia (Dogs) 1S
Obsessed (Cats) 1S
Secret Identity 2M

0CPs spent, 6CPs gained.